Student Health Insurance

Student Health Insurance

Lewis & Clark College requires that all undergraduate degrees, and attended, and a Bachelor of Laws student health insurance health insurance plan is comparable for completed students. Students participating in the English Academy Study Program are also available for this insurance.

Personal insurance cover can be applied to schools:

    The plan offers maximum privacy of at least $ 500,000 a year.

    This plan provides access to health care providers in geographic areas where you can learn for emergencies and non-emergency situations. For many students, this geographical area will make Portland bigger, but for students studying abroad, this will show the country where you study. 

(Note: The plan does not exclude benefits just for emergency and / or care critical of this size also, if you go to Portland to find out, an HMO and Network Portland area does not exist if you live by a HMO specific rule in the area of ​​Portland, you can offer a measure of privileged guests. You have to call the insurance company to accept a privilege before releasing cover.)

Plan includes mental health inpatient and inpatient in Portland (for students studying in Portland) or in the country, you will learn (for students in the program abroad and internationally). (Only emergency care does not meet this requirement.)

    The plan is now active and you commit to maintaining your health during the academic years.

For parents: It is criticized that the student insurance should provide the necessary medical care, for example, if a student learns Portland. How can you tell, and insurers are enough for my students' health and selfishness?

It is important to know what is included in the health plan and what is not classified. If you do not know the answer to the following questions, we ask you to ask for an insurance company. If health insurance does not protect student service, consider including a son or daughter in a health plan.

Ask your healthcare provider about the following questions:

Does my insurance plan allow access to students for various health and mental services in Portland (or where will students study outside of Portland)? Or do I limit reporting to emergency only?

    If there is a restriction on which service providers students can access, where do students need to look for Care Campus? It is important to investigate if you have an HMO (Health Care Organization) coverage. Do students use optional providers or providers? It is important to know how to access a campus provider or facility. How long have you been in the office?

    No health insurance Laboratory diagnostics and diagnostic imaging (such as X-ray or CT scan) performed in Portland (or students who study outside Portland) included?

    Is my insurance cover in Portland (or where do I study outside of Portland)?

    I have special care (eg sultan, cardiology, etc.) Portland (or a student who will study outside of Portland)?

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